Indigenous Sovereignty Politics and Protest

‘Can’t live without water:’ Mexico’s Tren Maya rail project faces resistance

In neon vests and hardhats, the biologists and archaeologists who march resolutely towards hulking piledrivers almost resemble the workers operating them. But blood red letters spell ECOCIDE on the long canvas banner that these protesters carry like a cross through stripped-bare stretches of what used to be jungle.  In Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, two-thirds of all […]

Indigenous Sovereignty Politics and Protest

Holistic Counterinsurgency: Allan Savory and the Golden Calf of Rhodesian Land Management

By Yahya Apánii & Thomas Harun. This article is Part 1 of 5 of the original Branch Out Series, “Greenwashing Counterinsurgency.” In the introduction to this series, Branch Out illustrated how the billionaire Murdoch dynasty behind climate-denying NewsCorp is diversifying its tactics with unprecedented sales of soil carbon credits based on “holistic management.” The man […]

Politics and Protest Pollution

SCOTUS deals blow to carbon emissions enforcement in West Virginia v. EPA ruling

This is a developing story, please check back for updates.  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the fossil fuel industry in the case of West Virginia v. EPA. The 6-3 decision will harm the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to protect the environment by enforcing limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants […]

Politics and Protest

Climate action performance art takes on Shell greenwashing at SXSW in Austin

A group of concerned citizens, artists and climate activists staged a performance art demonstration at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas, on Monday, March 14th, while the U.S. Shell Corporation President Gretchen Watkins held a “Fireside chat” about Shell’s target to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. The demonstration was organized by members of Extinction Rebellion, […]

Latest News Petrochemicals Politics and Protest

War in Ukraine: How Russia, NATO and fossil fuel oligarchs brought us to the verge of World War 3

At the end of February 2022, Russian forces started an invasion of Ukraine. In terms of the number of troops and weapons on the ground, it is now the largest military conflict on the European continent since World War 2. As we all watch the horror unfolding in Ukraine, the convenient narrative that Russian President […]

Latest News Politics and Protest

Indigenous youth kill fossil fuel snake in DC, demand Biden cancel DAPL, Line 3 pipeline

Hundreds of protesters led by a coalition of Indigenous youth activists and environmental organizations marched around Washington, D.C. on Thursday, April 1st, carrying a 320-foot long black snake. The snake is a direct reference to an ancient Lakota prophecy and symbolizes fossil fuel pipelines, such as the Dakota Access Pipeline, DAPL, and the Enbridge Line […]

Latest News Politics and Protest

Elon Musk tells truth about Bolivia, Tesla’s anti-democracy profiteering: ‘We will coup whoever we want!’

Elon Musk reveals that for Tesla, increasing profits will always be a higher priority than democracy, sustainability and climate justice. Billionaire Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter on Friday to criticize the prospect of an additional government stimulus package. “Another government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people […]

Climate Solutions Politics and Protest Top Stories

Fossil fuel divestment around the world and in the heart of Texas

As global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions threaten the world with irreversible climate collapse, activists around the United States and the world have turned to fossil fuel divestment as a major strategy to stop fossil fuel extraction. Experts agree that global warming is caused by humans burning fossil fuels and that it will continue to accelerate […]

Politics and Protest Pollution

Fossil Fuel bailout? Why the Coronavirus is a crossroads for climate action

As the United States becomes the epicenter of pandemic brought on by the novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, lawmakers have already begun a fossil fuel bailout — a move that could set back efforts to reign in corporate emissions. The U.S. Congress recently passed the CARES Act, a $2.2 Trillion stimulus bill to boost businesses that […]

Extreme Weather Politics and Protest Uncategorized

Melting Ice: The Real Reason Behind Trump’s Shocking Greenland Purchase Proposal

The August 2019 headline that Donald Trump wants to buy Greenland shocked many of both country’s people before being eclipsed by the next outrage and eventually, the impeachment saga. Both impeachment and the Greenland story are indicative of foreign policy designed to make headlines and ultimately benefit Trump himself and the special interest elites staffing his […]